Sunday, May 25, 2008

I'm Going Home!! May 23, 2008

This is Ed, my doggy farm daddy.

I can't believe it, I'm finally going home! Patricia gave me a nice bath, trimmed me up, and Mommy & Sissie Chelsea came to pick me up! Mommy was holding me & I started whining so she put my new harness & leash on me & for the first time ever(!), she took me outside & in the grass! She told me to "go potty" & I don't really know what that means but I went peepee cause I had to go really bad. You would have thought I started speaking Spanish cause everybody started telling me what a good girl I am!

Patricia brought my doggy mommy out to say goodbye. It was really sad - we kissed each other & than she licked my face byebye. Patricia gave me a blankie that she rubbed all over my mama so I won't forget her.

When I got home, I met my new cousin, Bella. She's so big! Mom put me in my playpen & after we sniffed each other for awhile, we got to meet without the netting between us. I love her! She's so sweet to me (except when she eats all my food & takes my toys!)

Every time Mommy took me outside, I went potty - I even pooed outside! Mommy tried to give me special treats but I really only like my dog food. I really like it when everyone tells me how good I am!

Don't tell anybody but in order for mom to find me a ball my size, she bought me some kitty balls with a rattle in them. They're so fun to chase & Mommy likes to throw them for me!

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