Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Early morning with the baby May 28, 2008

I am one spunky little monkey in the morning! Today Daddy took me outside to potty & then Mommy gave me breakfast. This is me playing with her!
Yesterday Mommy took me to work with her. It was so much fun & I was such a good girl. All the kids & big kids thought I was the new therapy puppy for the office. Mommy took my crate so I could go in there when I needed to rest. I only barked one time & that's because Mommy had me revved up.
After work, we went to see my vet, Dr. Larson. The girls in the office oohed & aahed over me. I'm getting so big - 2# 9 oz! Dr. Larson said I'm perfect. He gave me a little bitty shot (just like Patricia likes!) for something called Lepto. I didn't like that at all. He had to stick me twice because I yelped & jumped and I peeped on Mommy's arm but she didn't care. She gave me lots of kisses and hugs & then I forgot about it! Afterward we met Daddy for supper & I took a long nap in my bag while Mommy ate. No one even knew I was there!
When we got home, Mommy picked me up to go outside & I cried alot. I couldn't tell her what was wrong - seemed like something hurt me. But after a good sleep last night, I'm all better!
I've got to go cos Mommy says we've got to get ready for work!

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