Wednesday, July 8, 2009

I Was Lost but Now I'm Found! - July 4&5, 2009

Bella looking to see if Grandma brought her anything from Peru!

Trying on Grandpa's new hat!

The Mork actually fits IN the hat!

We had planned a cookout for the 4th of July & then take the pontoon to watch the fireworks over Peoria. It rained all day so we changed our plans to eat in Morton. About 9 pm, Bella & I started barking at the back door. 2 minutes later, Bella came in but I was gone!! I must have gotten spooked by the fireworks & squeezed through the railing slats on the deck & I disappeared!
It was dark, drizzly & no one had any idea which direction I went. Mommy, Daddy, Aunt Sissie C, Uncle Ron & Bella all went different directions looking & calling for me. Mommy went over to the Everts thinking I may have ended up there. Bob & Angela took off on their bikes, Ginette & Elbie went walking - all looking for me. About 11:30, we decided to stop looking. Daddy slept in the chair by the back door hoping I'd come home in the night.
Sun. am, everyone got up about 6:45 & started searching again. Aunt Sissie K came over, too. Late morning they decided to put up posters. They had stopped every walker, runner, & passerby they saw. Aunt Sissie C, Uncle Ron & Bella had to go to Edwardsville, but about 11 am, Mommy said she wanted to go out on Queenwood Rd. to those houses. At about the 6th house, Mr. Unsicker said he'd seen a Morkie about 9 am laying on the rocks in his drive but it ran south into the corn when he tried to get it. He knew I was a Morkie because his mom has one. Mommy went running into the 3' high corn, calling for me; Aunt Sissie K went to call Daddy to come there, too. When Daddy got there, Mr. Unsicker told him if they didn't find me by night, the coyotes would get me.
At about 3 pm, Daddy called Aunt Sissie K to tell them to come quick, I had just run across the road to the Kahler's house. Screaming tires & screaming prayers, Mommy & Aunt Sissie came roaring up & jumped out of the car. Mommy thought I was in the field & started calling but Aunt Sissie saw me sitting against their outbuilding. I was traumatized, tired, dirty, & covered with sandburs. At first I leaned away from them, but the last two steps I walked to Mommy. Daddy had a bag of treats & I ate those all the way home. When I got in the house, I ran around looking for Bella & then ran straight for my ball. Of course, Mommy, Daddy & Aunt Sissie all played with me & gave me lots of loving. Then I got a really good bath while Daddy put chicken wire around the deck slats so I can't ever get out again. I can't tell him, but I don't want to get out! They want to know what all happened to me, but I just want to forget the whole thing. I'm so glad God was watching over me & got me home safely.
All cleaned up & ready to play again.

Glad Daddy didn't give up looking for me.

One of the signs, that was posted for me.

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