Hannah Bolanos-Roth "cooking" pink lemonade for the Lohnes Reunion.

Emily, Luis & Hannah - home from Abu Dhabi for summer break.

Playing in the tub with her new Dora tube from Grandma & Grandpa.

Bella got her hair done for the hot weather. Lookin' very uncomfortable in her bows.

Bella & Graci were handfed the whole time Hannah was here!

Patiently waiting for their next bite.

Chelsea sprucing Hannah up before the reunion.

Luis, Emily, & Glenna Lohnes

Tia Kelly & Hannah

Doug & Dan (Boodle)

Mark, Glenna, Dan, John, & Rick Lohnes

Becky Lohnes & Maureen Roth

Marvin & Denny Lohnes

Karla & Debbie Lohnes

Kelly Roth, Chelsea Richardson, Margie Lohnes, Katie Agles, & John Lohnes

Emily Bolanos-Roth & the above mentioned.

Denny & Vince Lohnes, Hannah Bolanos-Roth & Mommy

Peggy Eldredge & Glenna Lohnes

Candace & Mike Lohnes, Jerry Eldredge & Emily Bolanos-Roth

Becky Thomas, Stan Buhrow, Dave & Dan Lohnes

Debbie, Margie, & Donna Lohnes

Vince Lohnes

Janet & Stan Buhrows

Marvin & Dr Dave Lohnes (making balloon animals)

Katie Agles, Dan Lohnes, Hannah & Emily Bolanos-Roth, Zach Martin, & "The Doctor"

Karla Lohnes, Dave Marton, Jerry Agles, Kelly Roth (trying to figure out what the heck the balloon is supposed to be) LG Thomas, Candace, (my eyes are too bad!) & Mike Lohnes.

The Marvin Lohnes family - Margie, Debbie, Dan, Marvin, Donna, Dave, Glenna, Karla, Rick, Mark, John, Garrett, Brian, John, & Marcia.

Not sure what's wrong with them - they call this "Happy Cat?????"

Denny Lohnes graciously emceed the Reunion & gave us all folders of our ancestors dated all the way back to the 1700s. Denny hasn't just done a timeline, he's given us our "Lohnes stories" that have carried down through the years.

Vince & Candace, Kelly, Hannah, Emily & Luis, Joanna Thorne, Katie, Karla & Jerry.

Jenny, Chad, Ivy, Becky & Charlie.

John, Isabel, Dave, Stan, Lauren, Kim, Jeff, Grace & Jerry, Payton, Zach, Doug, Virginia, Ashlynn, Peggy, & Janet

Dan, Garrett, Debbie, Marcia, Donna, David, Emily, Margie, Mark, Rob & John

The Eldredges - Noah, Jerry, Gina, Dakota, Mark, Peggy, Ashlynn, Jerry, Carson, Beth, & Angie

Peggy Eldredge, Denny Lohnes, Becky Thomas, & Virginia Martin

Doug Roth & a cow balloon

Grandma Maureen Roth & Hannah Bolanos-Roth. Hannah pooped out after swimming.

We had a wonderful turnout for the Lohnes Reunion. I think there were 64 there. We ate (of course!), had a program by Denny, & the kids went swimming while the adults chatted & played Euchre. Some of the kids even played catch. It was a great time to be together. God blessed us with safe travels & sunny skies.
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