Thursday, May 29, 2008

Another rough day! May 29, 2008

This is Mommy & me at the Mall!

This is my new dress - it even has some bling on the flower.

My Mommy & my new dress.

Yesterday was not a very good day - first I got sent home from school. I was being really, really good but I guess little bitty girls like me can't go to school. When Mommy came home for lunch, I had thrown such a fit about being banished, I had knocked my crate on edge! That really scared me!?! I won't do that again!

Yesterday morning Mommy gave me my de-wormer pill. My Aunt Sissie Katie came home in the afternoon to play with me (my only bright spot yesterday!), and then we went to run errands in Peoria. We went to Grand Prairie Mall & Mommy took me in the stores in my bag. I was so good, noone even knew I was there! But then about 6 pm, I started throwing up!! Mommy called Dr. Larson at home and also called the Emergency Afterhours Hospital because he wasn't home yet. They both said it was probably a reaction to the shot and the de-wormer. Mommy was so worried, that I had to show her I was still ok by playing with my toys. Once again ~ after a good night's sleep, I got up this morning, pottied, ate all my breakfast, had big drinks, and played really hard! It's tough being a little girl sometimes, but I bounce back fast!

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