Saturday, May 31, 2008

Going to the Lake House. May 30th & 31st

Last night Mommy & Daddy took me to the lake house while they were working there. They took my playpen & I played in there until I had to go potty. I kept barking at Mommy and she kept shushing me ~ I was trying to tell her to take me out but she didn't understand. I had to go so bad that I finally just pooed in my playpen. Boy, did Mommy feel bad!

Today, Mommy & I went back to the house. This time she took my crate & put it in my playpen. I had so much fun ~ playing with all my toys & then I took a three hour nap!! Mommy was just beginning to think something was wrong with me when I woke up.

Tomorrow Aunt Sissie K is moving home! I can hardly wait! She loves to play with me and she took me for a loooonnnnggggg walk on Thursday! I walked all the way to Sherman's and most of the way back. I was a little scared of the cars - I've never seen one before - but Aunt Sissie kept telling me how proud she was of me and how good I was doing, so I kept going. She called Mommy to tell her how good I did. Oh, oh - gotta go! I hear Daddy at the ice machine!!!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

What's a "Joy?" May 29, 2008

Daddy keeps calling me a "true joy." I don't know what that means but I know he really loves me! I love him, too ~ he takes really good care of me when Mommy works. If he's really busy, he puts me in my playpen outside his office door & opens the front door so I can see outside. Sometimes in the afternoon we take naps together.
Mommy dropped a piece of ice on the floor & I like playing & licking it. I carry it around the house like a new toy. Now I know to come running when I hear the ice machine on the fridge. It's so neat how a piece always falls on the floor when I'm there.

Another rough day! May 29, 2008

This is Mommy & me at the Mall!

This is my new dress - it even has some bling on the flower.

My Mommy & my new dress.

Yesterday was not a very good day - first I got sent home from school. I was being really, really good but I guess little bitty girls like me can't go to school. When Mommy came home for lunch, I had thrown such a fit about being banished, I had knocked my crate on edge! That really scared me!?! I won't do that again!

Yesterday morning Mommy gave me my de-wormer pill. My Aunt Sissie Katie came home in the afternoon to play with me (my only bright spot yesterday!), and then we went to run errands in Peoria. We went to Grand Prairie Mall & Mommy took me in the stores in my bag. I was so good, noone even knew I was there! But then about 6 pm, I started throwing up!! Mommy called Dr. Larson at home and also called the Emergency Afterhours Hospital because he wasn't home yet. They both said it was probably a reaction to the shot and the de-wormer. Mommy was so worried, that I had to show her I was still ok by playing with my toys. Once again ~ after a good night's sleep, I got up this morning, pottied, ate all my breakfast, had big drinks, and played really hard! It's tough being a little girl sometimes, but I bounce back fast!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Early morning with the baby May 28, 2008

I am one spunky little monkey in the morning! Today Daddy took me outside to potty & then Mommy gave me breakfast. This is me playing with her!
Yesterday Mommy took me to work with her. It was so much fun & I was such a good girl. All the kids & big kids thought I was the new therapy puppy for the office. Mommy took my crate so I could go in there when I needed to rest. I only barked one time & that's because Mommy had me revved up.
After work, we went to see my vet, Dr. Larson. The girls in the office oohed & aahed over me. I'm getting so big - 2# 9 oz! Dr. Larson said I'm perfect. He gave me a little bitty shot (just like Patricia likes!) for something called Lepto. I didn't like that at all. He had to stick me twice because I yelped & jumped and I peeped on Mommy's arm but she didn't care. She gave me lots of kisses and hugs & then I forgot about it! Afterward we met Daddy for supper & I took a long nap in my bag while Mommy ate. No one even knew I was there!
When we got home, Mommy picked me up to go outside & I cried alot. I couldn't tell her what was wrong - seemed like something hurt me. But after a good sleep last night, I'm all better!
I've got to go cos Mommy says we've got to get ready for work!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Shh! Don't tell Bella! May 25, 2008

The only way I can get even with Bella for taking my toys is to wait til she's gone & take hers!

Maybe this blog thing isn't so good! May 25, 2008

JUST KIDDING!!! Mommy's laughing as she's writing this - she says everybody in the whole world (well, the ones that count!) will know all her mistakes & mine! I slept all night again - in fact when Mommy woke up she looked in my crate & I was looking back at her! She took me outside & after I pottied & ate some breakfast, Daddy was watching me run around the house & I peepeed on the carpet in the family room! Oops!
While Mom & Dad were in church, Patricia (my puppy farm mommy) read my blog. She called Mommy right away to make sure everything's ok. She's given Mommy so many tips on taking care of me - she knows everything about what I like & don't like & what Mommy should do & shouldn't do. She reminded Mommy again that she's available for calls in case Mom gets in trouble again! (Don't worry, Patricia, Mommy says she's learned her lesson & will be extra, extra careful with me!)

A rough start but good first day. May 23, 2008

I slept all night!! My mommy couldn't believe it - we went to bed about 10 pm & I didn't wake up until my mommy woke up at 5:30 am!!! I only cried once but mom stuck her fingers into my crate, gave me a warm bottle to cuddle up to, covered my crate with my blankie that smells like my doggy mama & I just crashed! I was really tired from playing with Bella.

After I went outside pottied & ate my breakfast, mommy remembered she was supposed to give me my antibiotic, Albon (it's because I had my surgery & 2nd shots, just a preventive so I wouldn't get sick). The syringe had 7 ml in it but I only get 1 ml a day til it's gone. Mommy remembered to shoot it in the side of my mouth so I don't choke but that's when the bad thing happened - the plunger was kinda stuck & when mommy pushed a little harder, she accidentally gave me four mls!!!! Boy was she upset! While Aunt Sissie C called the vet, mommy was rushing me out there. Luckily we were there within 5 minutes. I met two of my new doctors & some of the techs. They were so nice to me, but I didn't like it very much when they made me drink some hydrogen peroxide! It made me vomit (4 times!) so I got rid of the extra Albon. They told mommy I would be fine but she watched me like a hawk all day. After I had a little nap, I had to show her how spunky I am - I ate, drank, played, pottied outside & in general was a big show-off!

I'm Going Home!! May 23, 2008

This is Ed, my doggy farm daddy.

I can't believe it, I'm finally going home! Patricia gave me a nice bath, trimmed me up, and Mommy & Sissie Chelsea came to pick me up! Mommy was holding me & I started whining so she put my new harness & leash on me & for the first time ever(!), she took me outside & in the grass! She told me to "go potty" & I don't really know what that means but I went peepee cause I had to go really bad. You would have thought I started speaking Spanish cause everybody started telling me what a good girl I am!

Patricia brought my doggy mommy out to say goodbye. It was really sad - we kissed each other & than she licked my face byebye. Patricia gave me a blankie that she rubbed all over my mama so I won't forget her.

When I got home, I met my new cousin, Bella. She's so big! Mom put me in my playpen & after we sniffed each other for awhile, we got to meet without the netting between us. I love her! She's so sweet to me (except when she eats all my food & takes my toys!)

Every time Mommy took me outside, I went potty - I even pooed outside! Mommy tried to give me special treats but I really only like my dog food. I really like it when everyone tells me how good I am!

Don't tell anybody but in order for mom to find me a ball my size, she bought me some kitty balls with a rattle in them. They're so fun to chase & Mommy likes to throw them for me!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

What a Fun Day!

I had such a fun day today! Mommy came to visit! She took my sissie, Katie, to O'Hare - Mom said she's going on a cruise with Cousin Kelly! I don't really know what that means but I hope they have a good time. Anyway, on her way home, Mommy stopped to see me! She said she can't wait til Friday when I get to come home with her.

Patricia brought me & my sister out & told Mommy to pick me out. At first Mom wasn't sure because we have the same coloring but then Mom called my name & when I looked at her, she knew me! I'm so smart! How many 11 week olds know their own name? I kissed Mom all over her face & when she put me in the playpen with my sister, I was all rough & tumble. But every time Mommy held me, I was an angel. I sure can't wait til Friday!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The Day after Surgery - May 14, 2008

Boy, do I feel better today. Patricia called the doctor today & he told her he gave me some morphine yesterday. She said that's why I looked so bad. But today I'm back to normal, acting like nothing happened. I'm sure glad that's over!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Graci's fine...May 13, 2008

Patricia (my puppy family mama) took me to the doctor this morning for surgery. I'm too little to really understand what being spayed means, but it's all done now & I'm back home. I've got my very own cage today with a warm towel in case I want to snuggle it. I'm too sleepy to keep my eyes open. Patricia told me I'll feel a lot better tomorrow. She also said my mommy just called to check on me. One day closer to moving home with her!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Day - May 11, 2008

I'm so happy! I got to help mom celebrate Mother's Day! She came to visit and brought my daddy, and Katie! What fun! I played with another Yorkie, Olivia, and was a ball of energy. I ran so fast I flipped end over end! Olivia was nice to me, except when I got too overly friendly, she'd knock me down & hold me with her paw.

Mom weighed me & I'm up to 2# 3.5 oz!!! I'm having my surgery on Tuesday, May 13th at 8 am. Mom said she'll be praying for me. Now I can't go home until May 23rd because I have to get my second set of shots on the 20th. That's ok because I'll be 12 weeks old & ready to leave my puppy family.

Meeting Family - May 3, 2008

I'm on the right - that's my little brother!

My mom is so excited about me that she just couldn't stay away! She brought some of my new family to meet me today. My sister, Chelsea (Bella's mom), and my Aunt Maureen (that's her with my Uncle Doug & their granddaughter, Hannah Isabel.) I had so much fun playing with them. I was seeing stars - there were so many cameras flashing! And I must be a movie star because mom said I'm in movies now!

Meeting Mama - May 1, 2008

On April 30th, my mom was outside with her grandpuppy, Bella. (That's her up above.) She was barking up a storm, so mom went out to see why. Her friend, Ginette Everts, was walking her Yorkie, Elbe. Mom had been looking for a Yorkie ever since she found out Bella (my cousin) was moving to Edwardsville with her mom & dad. Ginette gave her the website of where to find me, so mom & my new sister, Katie, came out to check me out on May 1st.

It was love at first sight. Since I am only 9 weeks old & 1# 15 oz, I have to wait to go home with her. Since mom doesn't want to have to take me to the doctor right away, I'm going to stay here with the rest of my puppy family til I weigh at least 2# so I can be spayed and have my second set of shots.

A Baby is Born - February 29, 2008

Graciela (Graci) Agles is born to Brigitte, a Yorkie mama & Boone, a Maltese papa. She's a special breed mix, a Morkie. She has 3 brothers and one sister. Graciela weighed just a few ounces at birth.