Sunday, March 29, 2009

OMG! - SNOW?!?!? March 29, 2009

Mommy forgot to upload these pictures last weekend! This is after Bella & I spent the day playing.
We woke up this morning to about 6" of snow! Thank goodness it won't last long because it's supposed to get up in the 50s tomorrow, but SNOW???!!??? This is how our pond looked out the bedroom window. Notice how the little boy that's fishing has snow on the pole & even the fishline! Also on top of the solar lights!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

New Experiences & Friends - March 21, 2009

Olivia, the 5th grader.
Phoebe, 4 years old, playing with Bella.
Phoebe giving Bella kisses.
Olivia giving Bella some love; Phoebe taking me for a walk.
Phoebe taking me potty.
Nolan, 2nd grader, & Olivia loving Bella

Today has been SO much fun! This morning I played with Bella while Mommy was busy. Then Aunt Sissie C & Mommy took Bella & me to the dog park! It was SO cool - I got to run free & bark at everybody there! At first Bella & I were the only ones in the little side but after awhile Sammy & Dottie came. I even got to the point where I quit barking! Mommy said she's going to take me there more often. When we came home, we both got baths. I feel so pretty!
Mommy just let Bella out to potty & when she looked back out, she was crying & wagging her little nubbywub (tail!) We went out to see why & the little neighbor girl from down the block was coming to pet Bella. Then her bigger sister & brother came, too! At first I was really scared of the kids, but I got used to them pretty fast. They even gave us some treats & we showed them our tricks! They were so nice to us & they even said they'd come play again sometime! I think I'm going to have a very fun summer (IF Phoebe ever lets me walk again!)

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Finally a little warmer weather! March 14, 2009

Mommy & I went over to Aunt Sissie K's this morning to "help" her clean house (we were more the cheerleaders.) Mommy has a bum foot, bum rib, & bum mouth so she mostly talked and I pranced around & looked cute. I got to run around their fenced-in backyard & be free! It's all the way up to 52 & supposed to be warmer tomorrow!

Friday the 13th really CAN be unlucky! - March 13, 2009

The lake house is flooded again! This is the second huge flood since last September & it isn't supposed to crest til tomorrow! Daddy put on some shorts & waded in to see the house from the inside - brrr! cold water! We're supposed to get more water than the Sept. flood! #4 alltime record high! Mommy & I stayed in the truck!
There's also some pix of the Ivy Club that's up the river from us.

Monday, March 9, 2009

We all had a vacation...March 3 --> 6, 2009

Bella finally got that stinkin' ball & she's keepin' it!

Mommy & Daddy went to Cape Coral, FL to visit Uncle Jimmy (Daddy's brother) & Aunt Kelli (his wife). One day, Cousin Kynse & her 2 1/2 month old son, Lincoln, came over to visit. On Thursday, they went by pontoon to Captiva Island. They ate lunch at RC Otter's and had a leisurely ride back. That nite, Aunt Kelli fixed a delicious meal - shrimp cocktail, a salad with goat cheese & roasted walnuts, steak & fresh Florida lobster tails, and strawberry shortcake for dessert!
I got a vacation, too! I got to stay with Bella, Aunt Sissie C, & Uncle Ron! (There was a little sewer rat incident but I'd rather not discuss it.) We all came home on Friday & even Aunt Sissie K came over & spent the nite on Sat. Bella & I were pooped from all the running around!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Birthday Baby - March 1, 2009

Can you believe I'm ONE!!!!?!!!! Being a Leap Year baby kinda pays off. We spent the weekend at the lake house & on Saturday, Mommy & Daddy took me to Dairy Queen for my own ice cream! I got lots of treats & attention all day. When we came home today, I got my present - a new stuffed giraffe! I LOVE it (especially since I just skinned my pink elephant!)
Mommy & Daddy went to Great Aunt Gladys' & hung a curtain rod for her. First they met at Busy Corner & she bought their lunch. Next time, I get to go - it was too cold to wait in the car today.

On Tuesday night, M & D are going to Cape Coral, FL to stay with Daddy's brother, Jim, & his wife Kelli for a few days. I get to stay with Bella, Aunt Sissie C & Uncle Ron! I'm gonna have so much fun! I'm such a lucky girl!